Friday, July 11, 2008

Spike 'Em


to our new system... CRAP!

it's very slow. imagine many users accessing one CPU/Server and you have a crawling station.. so they use this system to save up on software licenses... brilliant! however, it's been marred with bugs since they've installed it.. our IT personnel is close to cracking up since they just went ahead replacing the old system without informing users and mapping out everything.. a lot of us had been complaining and boy, you can smell the tension they're feeling.. as i've said, i don't like this CRAP.. in fact, i would very much rather have those good ol' budget PC (read: surplus) than this sophisticated-looking but downright disappointing duds..

oh yeah, we still can't do shit cos our friggin server upstairs hasn't been turned on and nobody knows the password... you feel me now?

enough with the rants.. i just might throw this off the window.


it used to be that i hit the gym six days a week.. then i thought, heck i'm too "over-trained" with this routine so i cut it to five.. then, i woke up one day on the wrong side of the bed and figured maybe i just make it a two-day split.. so monday i'd go lower then tuesday i'd go upper.. then on wednesday i'd rest.. repeat again on thursday and friday.. in other words, i'm down to a four-day a week workout.

nice, huh?

then came my coffee-laden supplement. there's no way in the world i'd guzzle it later of the day or i'd be having panic/anxiety attacks at night.. so i ended up hitting the gym early.. but since i won't have all the time in the world to finish my punishing routine in the morning session, i ended up splitting it. now i need to come back for more pain later in the day.. thus, if you do the math, i ended up hitting the gym exactly eight times a week!

what the??!

hey, that's just the way i like it... makes my life more exciting..

everything should go back to "normal" next month.

i'm still looking for that 300 pounds bench... i've been fortunate to learn from the best (thanks to internet) but i have to do the grind on my own..

i'm delighted i can now bench using the bar. the shoulder pain seem to subside and i also learn a few techniques that pretty much help deal with the pain and improved my form..

i gotta say i get a "whoa!" look whenever i do my sets.. it's not everyday (at least in my gym) that they see somebody like me.. you know, going beyond what average fitness buff usually do in the gym.. i liked it a lot that people respect me.. you wouldn't wanna mess with a friggin' strong guy, would ya?

that also applies outside the gym.. since i have HOT wife and i don't mind people staring at her when she's at her best (mighty proud of it, tell you that), but they know when to draw the line.. you don't wanna mess with a lady whose got a muscular partner, do ya?

and it goes the same when we're outside having some boys nightout.. happened recently actually. while we were having a grand time in some bar and a "pack of sheeps" were there trying to score a bunch of lady just across our table.. they all got a "talk to the hand" gesture from the girls but when we introduce ourselves, we got lucky. they'd "table" us in fact. later, some of those sheep tried in vain to sorta steal the femmes from us, but when they saw the "wolves," they just scram.. me and my body, we just look very fierce and intimidating.. ha ha!


anyway, i wouldn't think of it that way.. no matter how muscular or nicely build you are, some guys are just way too aggressive you wouldn't know if they're concealing weapon somewhere.. one shot and you're dead.. this gain, it'll never spoil me.. i earned everything i did in the gym the hard way... gotta keep myself grounded.. ALL THE TIME.

by the way, if you've noticed how disorganize this post from the get go, it is because i'm writing this at the mercy of my lovely officemate, Lorraine. she's not here yet so i'm taking advantage of her PC... she's not yet into that CRAP nComputing just yet.

geez, i better start jotting down my thoughts, cos if this is the way the "future" goes, i should be able to post in a huff.

now, i wish it's two-weeks later already so i don't have to squeeze my way into the movie house and watch Heath on his final performance...