Saturday, October 11, 2008

delts on fire!


yep, i'm on it again.. y'know, non-stop, wall-to-wall, no-holds-barred kinda arms training... i hate it.. just like front squat or anything about leg work.. i just hate everything about it.. i hate it when i'm already at the top of my work set during squat cos then i have to really hold my breath hard, otherwise, i could go spiralling downward right after un-racking the bar... that could spell disaster, but since i'm inside the cage (power rack), expect a huge "CLANG!!!" if things don't go as planned..

even though i hate the thought of it, i do it anyway... it's the result that i look forward to.. training the "big guns" before doing "cosmetic" stuffs is the way to go for me... thus, every time i start workin' out, i'd usually train the big muscle group then go on with the little ones.. right now, i'm possessed training my shoulders.. they've stand out all right but i want a nice, rounded shape on my delts... good thing about training smartly these days cos i can bump up my shoulder routine without worrying i'd injure 'em all over again..

so far, it's been fruitful.. however, i've got a feeling i'd burn out real soon if i keep doing circuit training... you're just totally wiped out when you're done..

gotta cycle this up or i'd go on an early "vacation" again...

anyhoo, gotta go... my buddy in London just got on Skype.. missed this dude.. we gotta talk.. err, chat.. later, alligators!


she's got a nice, broad shoulders, dontchathink?