i'm getting a little impatient... i sooo wanna hit the darn 90 pounds dumbbell bench press this week.. but i might have to wear a helmet and a mouthpiece cos the damn weight could go crashing on my face if i mess it up.. i could squat 300 pounds, alright. however, i'm unimpressed.. people in the gym are starting to noticed me.. i'm earning my "stripes" slowly.. three plate on each side ain't fierce.. if i get it to four, i'd be totally happy and satisfied.
now, it would really get me "there" if i'm like others who do this thing in these order: lift, eat, sleep.. i would've gained lotsa strength, size and muscularity.
but nah, i'm no millionaire.. gotta bust my ass.. earn a living..
oh yeah, even with my current situation, i still beat a lot of younger guys who have plenty of time to sulk in the gym.. like for hours, momma!
even the resident bodybuilder 'lauded' me for my squat strength.. another PT told me, "sir, you might wanna wear a belt.. we have a serviceable belt for your safety and convenience.."
like i don't have one.
only pussies wear belt, dimwit!
told him to chill.. got mine but i'm not at the point where i need one... at least, not yet.. wait 'til i get to the top.. livid and ready to pass out..
those "macho" boys are starting to nod at me.. sorta compliment, i guess..
usually they talk among themselves... and i really have no choice but to listen to those fags.. and why do you have to ask me why they're fags??
they're bunch of vain kids...
but as of late, i got a feeling they want me "IN."
one actually bade goodbye to me when he left the gym..
so yeah, i don't need to play "cool-cool" with these boys.. i just do what needs to be done... and if you do it with the best of your ability, some people would actually notice you.. and wants to be your friend!
it's the law of nature, hommie.
you try hard to be one of the pack, you'd end up looking needy.. clingy.
you just do what you do best, skip being trying-hard, then they'd most likely accept you for who you are.. not for what you're trying to be.. y'know, pretending.. putting a front.. an image...
of something you're NOT.
as i've said, i'm not there to make friends or being chummy with the oh-so-hot girls...
i have a mission.. wanna know?
man-up.. do some back reading now, eh?
well, i wouldn't mind having a few friends along the way.. and have some girls on my lap, too!
teee heeee!!!