Wednesday, March 12, 2008

walking tall


a couple of things:

first, i walked the talk... but as fate would have it my left foot suffered some blisters in the toe area.. hurt a bit but it didn't stop my resolve to continue with my quest... there ya go.. my contribution to clean and green environment.. so i didn't made it back and forth (home-office-home) but i walked all the way to SM from work! that is still an hour of walking through pain, my man... and i was right on the money when i estimated that it'll take two hours to complete the gruesome ordeal of walking from home to the office.. i am mighty proud of that prediction!

your turn, bubba!

second, my legs hurts now, thank you... it's either the walk caused it or it could be that i squatted "like there's no tomorrow," as my gym mates would call it, last Tuesday... i guess the leg work is the culprit behind the quad pains.. i hit it hard and heavy i was close to limping on my way out of the gym.. but that's just the way i roll there.. so sue me!

ok, not just a couple but more things, i suppose.

work is so much harder these days.. meaning, more work, more pressure, more stress... lesser time for "fun and play" and of course, still less wages..

my home PC is now ficked!

and so is my office PC... what more tragedy could possibly come my way, huh?

i'd love to talk s'more but as usual, i'm plagued with roadblocks after roadblocks... you have no idea how hard it is to deal with.. life without all these complication's gotta be boring.. so bring 'em on!

anyway, more talk later.