as projected, went back to the gym yesterday.. everything went well, yeah, but uhm, my friggin' numbers are down... whilst i made it to 300 pound squat weeks before, now i can only muster roughly 234 pounds... not so bad, i hope.. my barbell (BB) curls were down by 20 pounds as well.. i only did some bench presses using dumbbells (DB) and i was able to reach the top most of the DB's stack.. no problem.. shoulders and wrists were workin' fine but my quads sored a bit with just a mere bodyweight warm up.. still and all, i was able to UP the weight just enough to get through my work set..
the supplement i took, NO-Shotgun, did gave me a good pump.. shoot, my biceps were all tight-up as i went about a tri-set routine.. but darn, the "energy boost" courtesy of Redline's inclusion to its content gave me a weird kick.. had to drink lotsa water to flush 'em out of my system cos dude, something's not right, here.
maybe i'll get use to it someday.. make it soon!
anyhoo, i use the DB's for my chest and shoulders routine as i get a good workout off of them without messing my shoulder cuff.. i tend to hurt 'em when i use BB's (dunno why) and, since i just got back into the groove, it's best to build my strength first around equipments that would help me get "there" and skip those that'll hurt distress-prone areas ..
ten days was a long layoff from the gym for me.. my hommies missed me a lot.. hee-hee!!
incidentally during the ten days off, i had a lot friends coming in our house that i ended up drinking lotsa beer and brandy.. got no excuses now as i'm easily found.. unlike before i took off, i'm barely visible.. well, no regrets there.. gotta keep that part, y'know being socially visible and active once in awhile...
i'll be training smarter in this phase of my training.. i'll have adequate rest and i'll infuse a good amount of cardio.. bought me a stationary bike last year and i haven't use it that much.. now, it'll be rolling again.
first day of school today and this will be a routine for me and my kiddo, Neil.. we'll be together monday to friday as it is my "duty" to bring him to school in the morning.. it'll be our bonding time.
traffic wasn't so bad yet but i expect the worst as the days come by.. our area is the most problematic as it easily congests during peak hours... too many cars, too little road, eh?
crackin' out.