Monday, June 23, 2008

Jun U.

if there's anything in this life i'd wish to the good Lord above....

is that my son will bury me.. not the other way around.

i'm about to explain why i said that.

two Sundays ago while me and my son, Neil were strolling down at SM Mall, i bump into one of my gym mate, Jun, his wife and son.

Jun, as he would often see me workin' out always finds me wearing baggy shirt.. y'know, those XL's or XXL's.. those shirt were sent to me courtesy of my bro abroad.. since he's been slim for years now, all those huge run-me-down clothings he used to have, i inherited them.. thanks bro!

though it's pretty loose for me to wear them, i'd wear it anyway instead of throwing them away... thus, guys in the gym like Jun would not be able to notice the muscles i've since grown..

besides, i don't really feel the need to brag.. i don't need to wear tank tops to show off.. i'm just not the type.

anyway, when i met him two Sundays ago, he was blown away when he saw me wearing a body-fitting tee shirt.. he was like sayin' WHOA!! there..

guess he was surprise to see my physique lookin' fierce in that shirt..

because of his reaction, i failed to even have a good look at her partner and kiddo.. seconds later, we just went our separate ways..

then earlier today, a gym mate told me a tragic story.. Jun's only son had died yesterday due to dengue fever..


i'm speechless.

i'm just as devastated as i put myself in his shoes.. we both have "an only child" and he has to bury his... man...

so sad.

i don't even want to picture Jun's face right now... this guy, though we're not super close, but the image i have on him is always his radiant face.. y'know, he's never the kind who'd look angry..

honestly, i don't wanna go to his son's wake.. though it's just a few meters away from our office.. sigh.. but i have to... i got to...

remember that Denzel Washington's John Q. movie when he said "I'm not going to bury my son is going to bury me!"

that's the feeling, mate.

so, you guys and gals out there, go give your kid/s, parents, relatives, friends, etc. a tight hug tonight, cos no matter how health-conscious or fitness buff you and i are, we'll never know when our time is up here on earth.. and it may be the last time we'll ever see them again.. like what happened to a dear friend of mine, Jun..

condolence, buddy.