hhhmmmmm... i'm feelin' a little sore today.. originally, the plan was to chill and just work the abs.. i deviated.
well, since i didn't work my triceps yesterday, i instead had abs and triceps workout today.. i found a new routine and i'm pretty positive something new will sore again tomorrow.. my shoulders were surprisingly well but i gotta warm 'em up real slow and keep my form near pristine or it'll haunt me again soooo soon..
i also found out my strength had increase while doing decline close-grip bench press.. when before i'd struggle to raise the bar from the bottom position, now, i managed to up the bar on my own.. as usual, everything had to be dealt with on a day-to-day basis cos anything could happen.. be at the gym or while at rest.. especially while sleeping!!
what i found out reading the web about training injury is that the shoulders are the first to go.. as in almost always, people ask how they could deal with the injury or work around them, thus, it's no surprise that when you train hard and heavy, you gotta "feel" your shoulders all the time.. if your joints startin' to get creaky, STOP!
hittin' the road now... i'm tired!!!!