Friday, June 13, 2008



just when i thought..

just when i thought!!!!

everything was going smoothly 'til earlier when i went down to do bench presses.. my right shoulder's pain is BACK... hu hu hu!!!

nope.. no way i'm gonna "rest" again for this.. i'll work around it.

BIG sigh.

i think it's time to quit this chest routine..

uhm, no, i take that back... just the bench press cos with the dumbbells, it worked fine.

gotta devise a new plan.. i can't eeeFFn' overload the shoulders in successive days or something has to give.. the law of physics my friend..

actually, i have no idea what i just said above.. ha ha!

but as i've said before, the shoulders are the most delicate part.. and it ain't just me who had to roll with this crap.. it's just fortunate that i can still do other things.. others can't even masturbate!

man, that's hard when you're having a hard on!!


seriously, it's not really painful, but i know it's there.. i just hope a two-day rest is enough to eased it up.. wish all these trial and error would amount to something.

the one thing i really like about working out now as compared to my younger days, is that now i get a better result. before, even with all the curl variation (read:bicep exercises) i still can't grow my friggin' biceps, somehow.

and that's the only muscle i concern myself about.. male machismo in the works, baby!

it's one sshhhhh--crewed up exercise.. found out about it just recently.

no wonder...

fast forward today.

grew a few inches of muscles everywhere.. i'm pretty proud of my shoulders (no wonder i injured my right.. again!) as they are pretty erect, if you know what i mean... because of the muscles i've built around my frame, my posture improved.. i barely slouch when standing or sitting.. it's not intentional, mind you.. the muscles around your back, chest, lats and abs are definitely a big help if you want to correct your posture...

saw an old woman once, and bhoy, i can only pity her.. i'm not saying this in a funny way, but it is as if she's vowing her head to everyone while walking around.. this picture should describe it best:

anyway, strength training can help you with that problem and would in fact improve your over-all appearance..

nuff with the pep talk..

and yeah, i'm bored too.