Saturday, May 10, 2008


ironman, i love it!

watched it last night with wifey and neil.. t'was pretty, i suppose. i've had some ironman magazines back in the days.. so, having seen the movie was somewhat nostalgic but at the same time, awesome to see "mr. tin man" is, after all, human beneath all that high-tech titanium and gold, well, iron shield.

i could probably watch it ten times more and not grow tired of it...

later on..

ryan, our new sales dude (i think he is the 512th sales guy we've hired since day one) texted that we'd have a couple of beers... sweet.

i was hesitant cos it's around 10 in the evening already and i presume they must've been binging since earlier.. anyway, i went after he gave a friggin' runaround directions (must have been the beer or whatever) to find two lovely ladies.. the shmuck dated two ladies! one was his ex-girlfriend and the other, he just recently met and knew.. apparently, she was our customer!

what can i say, the dude works fast!

i'm not really comfortable hanging around strangers.. much more, a client!

anyway, we had some beers and ivy (our customer) had pineapple juice... hhmmmm playin' safe, huh? the ex-gf was cool with the beer... one, two, three, four beers... damn, i'm having trouble getting drunk...

and i'm bored.

videoke is boring for me... more beer please!

i had a "green light" from wifey to "morning the night" away but sheesh, i'd rather go home... no plans to get laid at all (as if i will be.. assuming!)... my testosterone ain't bugging me, and besides, i worked my legs earlier, thus, i'm tired.

had to make a lot of excuses just to escape, and tho the ladies and ryan tried to sway me to stay on, it was all for naught as i made up my mind to bail out, no matter what...

sorry... sorry... sorry...

this is the new me, homs.. everything is set including the limits... i've been saying "NO" now.. it wouldn't hurt if i say it a million times more.. prepare to get pawned!

on the other hand, it wouldn't be "appropriate" if i get drunk and wasted in the presence of a client with whom i'll be seeing more often in the office.. if she was drinking then maybe we'd be on equal footing... we'd rather be both guarded than embarrass ourselves later..

ryan can!


as for the gym "chronicles..." har.. har.. har..

it was soooo tempting to work the shoulders and back again but i felt i needed to rest 'em... pacing dawg... pacing..

well, aside from doing a lot of pulling and presses the last few days and feeling a pang of pain underneath my shoulder blades, i felt i needed to back down in order to prevent an "early vacation." remember, i have to take a break in the last week of May.. not tomorrow or next week!

it's also worth mentioning that for the last few weeks, i had been training even on Saturdays... yet i've been ranting since time immemorial that the farting bug called "wear and tear" had catch up with "the old man."

so, in choosing between rest and retire.. your guess is as good as mine, sweetie.

meanwhile, time to sulk in the corner...