earlier today, i just passed by the place where a lot of "memories" happened.. good ones, gotta say.. i was there looking for a mechanic to fix my bike.. then it all came back..
well, here's the untold story:
wifey was assigned there for a few months.. apparently, i had an MU (mutual understanding) with, uhm, can you keep a secret?
ok, lets put it this way, i had an mu with another girl. i'm not so sure how many here who knows me in person read this so i gotta protect her identity.. you can skip reading this if you've got a problem with that, capish?
you remember that "You've got mail" movie of tom hanks and meg ryan? good. we communicate through emails. well, there was cellphone but under the circumstance, it was way better if we keep it through mails.. then it'll be safer for "everybody."
opposite wifey's workplace is an internet cafe and bhoy, i always look forward when it's time to fetch her from work cos then i could check my email and hope against hope i'll find a new email from her... man, those were the days...
i had fallen head over heels with this woman and i was willing to give up everything... forbidden love is such a thrill, dawg!
but fortunately (or unfortunately), she chickened out... nothing happened. zit. zap.
not even a kiss... ugh!
it hurt big time and it took years to get over the whole dramz, but all is well.. i'm stone cold when it comes to all that romance and love thing.. just.
nuff with the horsesh!t, on with the iron story...
well, it was better today.. i guess that little chit-chat with rex, my bodybuilder friend, helped me focus again... though he's off training, he always dish out the best advice..
i'd love to go on right now but since i'm too darn wasted, in a good way, i'll leave you with some thoughts to ponder from TC:
"As soon as you get married, the Goddess becomes a mere mortal. Out come the sweat pants. Out goes the make up. All that exotic underwear that she used to turn you into a slobbering lap dog with an erection about yay big? It lies moldering in a little used drawer. Once in awhile, you furtively slip into the bedroom to excavate a pair of those exotic, memory-filled panties, place then against your face and snort like a pig looking for truffles, but instead of getting a scent of her perfumed Hoo-Hah, you just get a dose of Lemon Pledge and have to make an appointment to see an asthma specialist."
nice, isn't it?
soooo true!