if you've been doin' a lot of reading like i do, then you'd probably know how friggin' crazy the recent killings had been happening... everywhere!
the bank massacre, a family massacred, a taxi driver gunned down, some criminals who just came out of prison end up killed vigilante-style, some alleged rubout, then just recently a lawyer sprayed with bullet while driving his pick-up... whew!
whatever happened to a person's life these days? it is as if they're slaughtering some chicken, eh?
soooo gruesome, mate.
what the hell is happening with the world today?!?
just askin'...
it is in the gym where i find some sorta solitude.. for real. i guess, for being off attending sunday fellowships, that i find solace in the gym ..
last night, even though i opted to do multiple exercises for different muscle group, i still felt i was doin' just above half-ass workout.
basically, since i slack a few days back (read: the drinking and eating binge), it affected my performance big time.. and it did not help that my swollen throat is still bothering me, but since i'm in the process of tapering down for a much needed rest, i just gotta be content with my less than stellar performance..
but i sweat-ed a lot though the weather was cold.. the redeeming factor, i guess.
anyhoo, carl, my friend asked if i have developed callous on both my hands.. frankly, i haven't checked it but when i did after he ask, surprise! surprise! it had grown thick, homs! when before it was all smooth, now it's just too darn rough. i use to wear gloves but given the weights i've been hauling, they don't last too long. i've given up wearing them as they tear apart easily in records time.
the most popular grip support that my gym mate use are those for bicycles.. y'know so they can keep the smoothness of their palm when they, ugh, shake some lady's hand.. whatever. i prefer to hold the bar with my bare hands or if need be, some wrist/grip support that has dowels at the tip of the strap.. really helps me grip firmer on those hauling exercises... so far, awesome!
i may not break any PR's (personal record) any moment soon.. but next month, it'll be WAR!
hope the swollen throat is gone by tomorrow.... cos i'd go island hopping with some officemate!!
and some strangers too!!!
and we'll be drinking s'more cheap brandy! wahahahahaha!!!